Showing posts with label wrong Vatsala Raghunathan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wrong Vatsala Raghunathan. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2012


Google Search frustrates me for once this time

Why?? Let me explain

You all know, out there, how much love I have for Google ( And Microsoft , and Apple, and Oracle, and LinkedIn and so many others!! ) for making my life so interesting I use google's Picasa Web album to load and store all my photos , Google documents to store my files, of course their gmail service is the best in the world for me. Having visited their Mountain view Campus several times with my son , my love is rather deep.

But I am now puzzled. When I google my own name - Vatsala Raghunathan , it points to a blogger with the same name and takes me to that (No This is Not me ) - Vatsala Raghunathan's blog - Now do I have a problem with that?? NO NO NO.

I am upset that it does not display any of my blog or profile links ( I am so proud of all of them - Silly but true ) . Now I am an avid blogger - write regularly many many blogs but the Google Search Engine algorithm does not find me but this blogger with my name who has written a single lonely blog entry way back in 2005, does not even have a profile description , not an active blogger.

I am not against that but WHY Google Why you are also not displaying about me?? I tried all sorts of tricks my son told me to try. I enabled Google adSense too ( OMG!! Yes!! ) But nothing brings on my blog links but this other woman's lonely and sad entry.

My blog links are here

But Google does not see any of this. 