Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Fulton Street

Stanford Mall 

I am in USA in Palo Alto and it is Christmas time - there is so much of love and cheer in the chilly air . Fulton street next to our road has some dazzling light display. Each house has a unique theme .

At the same time, we are in great distress - tragedies like the kids in a Connecticut school shot by a maniac 20 year old, a 23 year old girl in Delhi brutally raped , hit and thrown naked on a road ... I am just wondering how can we be so inhuman?? so miserable within??

Man towers over all other species because of his high intelligence. He conquered all other living forms and firmly established himself Master of all species. But teh tiniest Virus and Bacteria can ruin him. His own body cells, so so miniscular can go against him and create all sorts of autoimmune diseases.

Because of his high intelligence, he can experience exalted emotional states of love, anger, lust, pain, happiness. It is this high intelligence that often causes mal-functions in the thought process itself. Like I am wondering what made a 20 year old kid kill his mother and other 6 year old kids and kill himself too ?? what kind of emotions ran deep within?? How can 6 drunken men brutally injure a girl and on top of that abuse her sexually?? What kind of emotions rule them??

At Christmas time as also Diwali and other festival times, we want people who love us and whom we love to visit us and express their love and affection. Why can't the entire mankind be just happy all the time?? channelize our high intelligence for a more peaceful and happy living??

Cheers Merry Christmas to all in the universe. 
May joy be with us All !!