Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gift of Each New Day

          Snow Covered Landscape

Fall Colors in Palo Alto

Each day dawns. When I open my eyes, the first thought that comes to my mind is one of gratitude. "Thank you God,  for this wonderful gift of a day"

When I was in Minneapolis - my eyes open to vast expanse of white snow laden landscape, the children's park in front covered with ice, the men wearing green fluorescent jackets driving the red small van to clear the snow which burst forth on either side reminding of that black engine driving thro the snow laden tracks in the Russian film "Anna Kerenina" , a lonely fat squirrel scampers here and there in search of food at -20 deg C, leafless trees look stark and beautiful like pencil sketches by an expert artist (God himeslf I guess) - and this is the gift I open this day.

Today I am in Palo Alto with gorgeous christmas lights in sprawling houses and lush greenery, the morning gift makes me wish for all these things

"Fill my thoughts with positive sweet feelings of joy"

  • May my ears listen to the sweet music, the childish innocent talks with a ready "Why" to any statement of my little grand daughter Vedu with pure delight
  • May my nose smell the sweet fragrances of day-to-day living
  • May my mouth only utter words of love, encouragement, empowerments to all beings that come in contact
  • May I live with positivity this precious day which you have gifted me so generously , so tirelessly

Thank you God for this gift which each day you place beside my bed before my eyes open.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Clearing Traffic Jams Within

It has dawned on me that I need to clear the inner traffic within my body for healthy living - two are of physical nature and one is of mental type - all advice, suggestions are meant for to I-Me-Myself

1) Clean and clear digestive system  : Our body has excellent system in the form of our digestive track where the food we eat is digested and assimilated into the blood and waste products thrown out of the body. We need to constantly ensure that we don't jam this very delicate and perfect route by eating healthy fibrous food that help to clear out the accumulated waste if any in th epath. If we let the waste accumulate, then that creates poisonous toxins . Unhealthy junk food produces harmful gases that then circulate in the blood and make one feel low on  energy. Natural uncooked foods like fruits and vegetables are gentle and cleanse the internal path well. When one does not take care of what one eats, lot of harm can be done to this traffic area which can even lead to cancer, ulcers etc. Unless we eat healthy food, we cannot hope our blood to absorb and carry right type of nutrition to the right organs in the body.  
The understanding and practice of eating right type of healthy food and proper bowel movements ensures this route remains free of unwanted clutter.

2) Smooth blood vessels that allow free flow of blood through out the body.
The tiny heart all of one's fist size beats around 70 to 80 times per minute from birth till death forcing blood to flow to the entire network of blood vessels surrounding each and every organ including the tiniest capillaries. The organs selectively take whatever nutrition they require for proper functioning and send back the impure blood back to the heart for purification. This miracle traffic system is the very life force. Once the heart stops working, the person is declared dead.
Now it only makes sense to keep this route smooth so that the blood can flow freely. The inner lining of the blood vessels thicken with age and fat deposits and sometimes get blocked with clots too. So it only makes sense to take maximum care of this traffic system and keep it jam-free. High BP, stroke, heart attack are all horrible conditions that we can try to prevent. All it takes is healthy light eating and maintaining body weight and a good brisk 30 minutes walk twice a day . The obese body with lot of fat deposits extracts immense hard work from the tiny smooth pump - the human heart which then gives way.


3) Keeping the brain and the thought process jam-free
The brain is the seat of main control for all that is happening to us. It is extremely busy the whole day thinking and thinking and controlling all the nerves and all the muscles. We as humans are gifted by the thought process. We need to keep this heavy traffic system very very carefully choke-free else all the functions get effected as this is the control centre. Most of the physical aspect of the body is automatically taken care of by the brain . But chaotic thoughts can choke the very life out of a person. We need to establish 2 clear and well organised thought paths - one for getting and one for giving.  All the human beings live as one large team, mutually giving and taking constantly from each other and that is how life for humans goes on. We need to be thinking only for these 2 clear paths - thinking good for ourselves to receive and thinking generously while giving.
Receiving is thro' jobs , services that others render to us, and in 1000+ ways . Receiving is in many forms not only money. Giving again is in 1000+ ways.

So we need to clear all the accumulated junk thoughts of past pains, resentments, hatred, excessive greed , worry for future then only good healthy thoughts will flow freely for our benefit. The less we think, the more clear life becomes. If our thought can be like a tranquil water of a lake then we can see the bed of the lake beautifully as our life.

The few thoughts that flow so freely bring peace, elegance to our life and to those lives that we touch.

We as humans are gifted that we can control all these to some extent.
The human body is the most perfect wonder machine . The entire mankind mutually co-exist collectively. It is so simple and yet so beautiful.    

Friday, August 15, 2014

Natural and Not-so-natural

It is dawning on me these days some clarity on life

It is natural to make a great success of one's chosen career - things are meant to be that but it takes a lot of efforts to fail .

Why do some people succeed in their job while some do not - the difference is one person just flows with the tide, gives his/her best and enjoys a natural climb, name, fame, money etc. This person is generally positive and upbeat about life. Success is natural.

The other type of people resist great things happening in their career, make all types of moves to embrace failure - These type of people are generally negative, low on faith in self and others, pesimistic about life. They think that failure is natural and accept life as full of struggle. They generally are doing/saying/thinking all the wrong things for self success.

Love and frienship
It is natural to have a person to love in the life of man or woman while it really takes efforts to not have one. It is natural to have good friends and feel happy all the time, enjoying the warmth of relationships.

While it takes efforts to not have friends, not feel happy in the company of friends - it is un-natural to live a lonely life without a family , unwanted and uncared for.

Abundance and Wealth
It is natural to be rich, have all the riches that one wants and needs in life and lead a opulant life. It takes lot of efforts to stay poor, lacking in everything. In reality, the universe has infinite wealth and any one can take as much as one wants and yet the universe will have infinit wealth and abundance.

It is natural to feel and stay healthy thro' out one's life by just flowing along with life and doing all that is naturally good to oneself. While it takes all sorts of efforts to feel ill and attract diseases.

So just be natural, accepting 100 % success in everything in life. Live life to the fullest, enjoying each and every moment of bliss, beauty, elegance, peace, wealth   . Don't make efforts to complicate life by fights, complaints, cribs, imagined enmity, seeking struggles . bitterness. Make happy choices not nonsense ones.  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The 80 - 20 Rule

80% Water , 20% Land

The 80/20 Rule is so universal
that we can apply it to every sphere of human existence. So I am figuring out where all this makes sense...

1) The 80% Good people vs the 20% Bad people 
80% of humans are good people, go about their life in an elegant manner as they deem fit, helping each other.  20% of humans are the bad kind - vicious, greedy, corrupt, rapists, robbers, terrorists, racists, criminals, cheats. The 20% bad people are on the look out to harm the 80% of people for their personal advantage and gratifications. All one must do is to protect oneself against this 20% at ALL TIMES and avoid confronting this 20% at any cost.    

2) 80% Consumers vs 20% producers
20% of human beings are those wonderful farmers who grow food for the rest of the 80% people who exist by consuming this food. This is coexistence at its best.

3) 80% employed vs 20% employers
The 20% people are the innovators, businessmen , wealth creators who set up businesses employing the rest of the 80% . This is a symbiotic relationship.

4) 80% followers/disciples vs 20% leaders/gurus
The 20% leaders/gurus share the rest of the 80% as their followers. But here the demarkation may keep changing with time and enlightement and self realization of mankind.

shall add more....

OMG - such enlightenment - I, Me, Myself !!

Monday, May 5, 2014

GovtSome and GovtLess state of being - A bird's eye view

I wrote a blog sometime back on Gurusome and Guruless state how I moved from one to the other.

Of Late I am thinking "Do We really need a govt?? How does govt. effect my life " and such types of questions.

Of late, during election time, I watch on TV the various parties with their star leaders campaigning for their parties and generally maligning each other - saying one horrible thing after another against each other, sometimes their faces contorted with emotions, rage, outrage, anger, hatred etc..

I am thinking "Are these the leaders who will lead my country and How?? "

While this is going on, the common man and women in the vary same channels are speaking truths saying a 1000 things - like how they have no water, no toilets, no electricity, their total ignorance about the contestants ( like WHO?? ) , lots of wise discussions too, some poems even as how the MP whom they have elected NEVER visited them even once after elections  - the Common Indian seems quite wise to the politician's tricks to win votes.

I am finding that Indians are waking up to some enlightenment and the election results may not be predictable if the thinking common Indian man exercises his choice wisely

So I am thinking What do I want?? How the election and its aftermath effects my life?? My bird's eye views are here

1) In the last 20 years or so, in my life, which ever govt. came to power, there has been a very steady growth and development happening all around me and I am the beneficiary of all those developments - like roads, electricity, water supply, communication, IT, food supplies, peaceful , riot free and war free comfortable living . People are very tolerating of each other, which ever community - it really never mattered to the common man. Public Systems are continually improving for better.  I am actually witnessing the Indian Growth.

2) Continuous Personal development is more crucial in life than external changes and that has nothing to do with Govt, politicians, policies and material acquisitions  - this has truly enriched my life in every way.

3)  Now I am thinking politicians are not required at all to run my country efficiently - just have robust systems in place that can get rid of middleman and human interventions and corrupt fellows, excellent top class administration setups, a group of extremely committed professionals for policy making, may be a referendum once in 6 months for major policies effecting people , and so on - Politicians, political parties, elections and govt cause so much of cost and corruption. We the people of India and in fact mankind itself want our day-to-day life to go on smoothly. In India there is massive corruption in every walk of life and few people walk away with all the wealth of everyone else. May be if we do not have any mechanism for corruption, we will all be richer!!!.

Well That is some kind of GovtLess state!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I was reading some of my old blogs and reliving so many moments when I had penned them. Admiring my own writing style, I wonder why I made only one blog entry in 2013, and none so far in 2014.

Well, lots and lots of transformations have been happening in life - mine and people connected with me . The world is changing so fast , moving forward at a tremendous pace. So many things are happening all around me.  

The one beautiful rainbow of my life is my grand daughter Vedu - her growth graph is a straight line with its arrow upwards. I am simply amazed how fast she is developing, she speaks clearly, and keeps u interested in whatever she is saying/doing. She attracts people and love by default. She is a bundle of joy. She is all of 2 years and proclaims "I am a Happy toddler"

Lots and lots of self analysis and self awareness. Too much of thinking - my sons tell. Enlightenment is yet to strike me and am waiting for that to happen anytime anywhere !!!.

Been writing diary regularly though - Shall blog some of the entries like the one below.
Y'day in my diary I wrote the following:-

Some No's and Yes's here
No to 

  • Giving Advice
  • Giving Suggestion
  • Giving Judgement
  • Putting down Self
  • Praising Self 
  • Giving away Data/Information
  • Re-living pain of Past
  • Fear of Future
  • Sitting Duck Syndrome
  • Dependence of any form

Yes to

  • Lots of Smile
  • Lots of Love Give/Take
  • Giving Encouragement
  • Silence - Mental and Physical
  • Positive Energy
  • Courage
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Freedom
  • Inclusive Growth
  • Move
  • Independence

All addressed to "I Me Myself"