Changing thoughts - The journey along

A small incident - A great lesson
We had recd. a wedding invitation from one of our relatives and we as a family were keen to attend the occasions inspite of Hari's illness just to make our relatives happy. But we discovered that our visit was not as welcome - I do not understand the reason for that . Why was the invitation sent in the first place in that case?
Anyway as we were in the same city, I sent our blessings with a small token gift . I also recd. a dress as a gift. But to my dismay discovered it to be of a very cheap quality which I would hesitate to even gift to my maid. The concerned family is considered very rich by south Indian standards.
This little incident taught me a lot on human relations and I discovered the meaning of the word - "Soul Connection"
One thing I realized is that this incident left no bitterness, no hatred in my heart - only a deeper understanding of Human relationships. I met the family several times after that and things were cool - no awkwardness, no harsh feelings.
Now I feel more wise on all human interactions - all the social functions like marriages, festivals, celebrations are mainly for human interaction . Most of them are ego trips - satisfying yourself that you can afford so much or you can be so nice or may be to "Network" for mutual benifits or to flaunt your material possessions ;like house, car, clothes, jewellary or may be your be talents etc. what ever be the reasons there may not be much of genuine soul connection
A relationship has meaning only if there is "Soul connection" - mutual love and respect for just the other human being without any reason - stripped of everything else - just feeling happy that that person is there with you. .
I now dwell on all the people I interact with - most of them are for some reason of mutual benefit - such relationships are not long lasting - there are there and gone without any pain of separation. The pain comes when one person has expectation from the other and the other person does not sense it or fulfill it.
A lot of realization on the relationships I have developed over so many years dawned on me now
Parent-child relationship : I have ploughed all my energy into the relationship with my 2 sons over the last 30 years but now I realize the soul connection is missing .
The relationship with my parent is a cherished one - they have given my their all . I truely connected to my dad . I am happy and satisfied that I could serve them to some extent in their old age. My mother 86 years old is a Parkinson's patient and my wish now is I should serve her and let her feel dignified about her age and disability.
Most of the relationships with friends have been of a temporary nature
With my siblings I share a very deep cherished bond
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