Entrance to Yosemite has a natural rock arch
Saturday Apr 18th - visit to Yosemite National Park CA
Link to more photos is here
Not Yosamight!!
I had a major problem with spelling this - u have to pronounce it yo-se-me-tee but spell it like this - so I either pronounce it yo-sa-mi-te (like might) or spell it yusomiti both of which irritated vivek and he constantly kept correcting me.
Yosemite National park:
In USA national parks have been created to preserve and improve natural wealth. Yosemite is one of the best. In India we have not yet created this concept of national park though we do have vast natural resources that are conserved and preserved by the govt.
Well it is the greatest place on earth to experience ( ofcourse out of the handful of places I have visited in my life). The time we went was also ideal as the snow was just melting, it was a hot sunny spring day. It had everything - snow meadows, towering challenging snow covered mountain peaks , several cascading water falls , thousands of very very tall old trees, a U shaped valley amidst mountains, a pretty river flowing right thro'. It was nature at its best.
Sun, snow, water, rocks
It was the first really bright sunny hot day of the season. Earlier if u had come u would have experienced snow but not the water fall, later if we had gone we would have experienced may be the water fall but not the snow, and much later in summer no water falls, no snow but more greenery
Well we were lucky that we happened to visit on this ideal week-end.
Vivek and myself set off on Saturday morning around 8:30. He had rented a car as he was not sure if his old old Camery would stand by him faithfully the hilly drive. So we drove in a brand new (almost..) Pontiac .
Brand new Pontiac
We drove straight to Yosemite non stop for about 3 hours or so . On the way we stopped by for gas and vivek told me there would not be much food available . I had already carried some bread and cheese spread and some apples. Now I bought one bread and some chips ( cheese and potato) and one small cold drink bottle from the gas station and we drove off.Scenic Route
Winding hilly roads and dense jungle
The roads became more and more hilly and winding and twisting amidst dense jungle with tall trees and more trees. Constantly you have to turn left or right uphill on a steep winding road with so many blind turns.
Driving thro' winding uphill roads amidst tall trees
Snow covered Peaks:
As we drove thro Yosemite Vivek was too excited to see and point out to me the snow capped peaks. Some part of Yosemite are at such high altitude that there is lot of snow.
Snow covered Peaks and water falls
Snow meadows at Crane Flat:
The first scenic place we drove thro' was Crane Flat which had very very tall trees ( sequoia..) covered with snow at their roots lo, snow covered meadows that stretched so far . It felt so exciting to see the snow - so so white .
Meadows of Crane Flat
I declared to Vivek "This is the best place in Yosemite" . He said "Wait till u see other places". He kept warning me "Be careful - look out for wet ice they are very slippery.. "We drove thro' tunnels, and rows and rows of very very tall trees. We came upon vantage points where we got down to see the view of the towering mountains and cascading water falls. The river Marced flows right thro' Yosemite . In some places it is fierce tumbling thro' huge rocks and full of dangerous rapids, some places it is like a lake - so calm like a sheet of clear glass. The sound of water is an accompaniment right thro' the park.
World Famous Granite rocks
Yosemite is world famous for its granite rocky mountains and some of its peaks like El Capitan, Half Dome have been scaled by brave men and women. The faces of these mountains look so highly slippery and absolutely vertical that I kept wondering how could one climb here. We were constantly on the lookout for climbers. In the night on our drive back we could spot some.
Silent Water Falls
As you drive thro Yosemite you can see many waterfalls cascading silently from great heights amidst the rocks. But if you go near the entire scenery changes. You witness nature's force and fury firsthand.
Silent cascading water falls at a distance from a Vantage point
Bridalveil waterfall
We saw some huge water falls that came cascading down such great heights and with such force that when the water hit the rocks it rose like huge cloud. The ice cold splash of the water hits you from a great distance. The noise is defeaning. The fury of the rushing water then flows in terrific rapids swirling and hitting rocks to pieces and uprooting huge trees enroute.
We saw the Bridalveil fall up and close. Here the trail leading to the fall is a short one and easy to go. The water cascades down from such great height and with such force that the cloud of water rises up and looks like a bridal veil .
Bridalveil Waterfall
There is so much of water spray that everyone gets totally drenched and delighted with that. But it was awfully chilly too. Why does falling water make us all so happy? All were giggling and laughing happily.But at the same time this place is dangerous due to the tremendous force of the falling water and the slippery rocks that warning signs were put up. No one dared to go closer to try to life the bridal veil!! There were railings to hold on to.
Picnic by the beach
We sat in a scenic picnic spot by the beach ( lot of fine sand..) of the Marced river where the water is absolutely calm and there were huge trees with seating tables and benches and barbecue stands. It is dangerous to carry food within the park as bears are known to attack people for food. These picnic spots have been specially created for eating. We spread our food ( bread with cream cheese spread.. ) ate and I slept on the ground for a while.
We then drove off to another picnic spot. There is a hanging bridge on the river and a water fall is visible at a distance. The water of the river is so crystal clear here that the rocks at the bottom of the river bed is visible. Lot of visitors were there - families with small children, old couples.
The kid in the sand island in Marced river
The kid actually cycled across the river to this sand island and posed for a photograph as his family watched. That speaks for American upbringing of kids with trust and the spirit of fearless adventure they inculcate in kids.
Free Bus rides within the park
There are many free bus rides available to many points. One can park the car at one place and go in the bus to some walking trail and come back to the same spot later. This is ideal as it reduces the movement of cars also. Where ever we went the parking lots were generally full. There were lot of people cycling . Cycles could also be hired at some places. I saw young and old Americans , families riding bikes.
Free Bus Rides
We watched the fiery rapids of the Marced river at one place where a small bridge has been constructed . I was too exhausted by then. So Vivek and I rested on a huge rock by the river for sometime
Resting on a rock by the river
and it was absolutely heavenly - in the lap of nature - surrounded by huge trees, rocky mountains, silent water falls at great distance, sound and fury of the gushing river water, the hot bright sun and the chill in the air . Yosemite is pure heaven for nature lovers. Gods live here.
Walking Trail to the base of the Yosemite Water Fall
After this good rest we took the bus to go on a walking trail to Yosemite water falls. You have to walk a lot. ( 3 to 4 Miles?? may be more) We saw ice, water, rocks, lots and lots of tall trees, some uprooted too. I even stood inside a giant sequoia tree and got photographed by Vivek
Walking Trail to the base of the Yosemite Water Fall
After this good rest we took the bus to go on a walking trail to Yosemite water falls. You have to walk a lot. ( 3 to 4 Miles?? may be more) We saw ice, water, rocks, lots and lots of tall trees, some uprooted too. I even stood inside a giant sequoia tree and got photographed by Vivek
Standing inside a giant Sequoia Tree
When we were almost too tired to walk further, We came upon the Yosemite water falls. The site of the magnificent water falls and the cloud of water spray it caused drove away all my exhaustion. The chilly spray with the fierce wind blowing on our face simply lifted our spirits. We were laughing like kids just enjoying this force of nature. There is a small bridge over the fierce rapids caused by the water fall. There were many uprooted trees, huge rocks rounded or broken. One can see the fury of natural forces at work. No words can describe the beauty of this place. The sound of the water fall is deafening.At the Base of Yosemite Water Fall
Wet Drenched Cold and Happy
Wet Drenched Cold and Happy
I just did not feel like leaving this place. But we had walked a lot and we had to walk back equal distance. On top of that we had to also take the bus. So leaving my heart and soul to Yosemite fall, I walked with vivek back.
Ahwahnee Hotel
We then went to Ahwahnee Hotel which is a luxury 6 storied hotel considered a historic structure inaugurated in 1927. We ate some lovely frozen vegetables with some thing like chapati, I just loved that.
End of the day
We drove thro' the mountain peaks Half dome and El Capitan which shone in the setting sun. We parked our car to check out climbers . We could spot one or two. Happy with that we left for Mariposa which is about 45 min. drive for our night halt.
We reached Mariposa by 10 p.m. and checked into a very comfortable Mariposa lodge and went to sleep like logs . My head was full of peaks, granite vertical faces of the mountains, deafening sound of water.
Sunday dawned even more bright and sunny than saturday and we left Mariposa by 9 a.m. I was very eager to see the route as the night we had not seen at all where we were driving.
Most scenic Drive from Mariposa to Yosemite
I was in for such a delightful surprise. Mariposa to Yosemite drive is one of the most ( for me the most) scenic drives. The Marced river river flows right thro on one side and there are green hills on the other. The river was so beautiful in the bright sunny morning. At some places there were very dangerous rapids where the river flows with terrible force over rocks . Now we were climbing up to Yosemite.

Marced river flows along the entire route from Mariposa to Yosemite
We stopped at a very pictureque hotel called Cedar Lodge where we had a sumptuous breakfast of pancakes with Maple syrup ( vivek) and bagel with cream cheese and some fried potato dish with loads of sauce (myself) . We filled our selves for the day .
I was eager to see the bridge that we had stopped by last night. Now during day time it became clear to us that there had been a landslide , the road was actually cut off, this bridge is a temporay one that joined the two ends of the road on either side of the landslide. Imagine being able to get such a bridge up and functional and handling such huge vehicular traffic. Americans are really great at crisis management. Being temporary it could not take the 2 way traffic and hence the wait. I admired all this efficiency and saw the landslide
Hotter day means more snow melts and causes more dangerous rapids in the river. Sunday was warmer than Saturday which meant more ice had melted and the water falls and the river both were in more furiuos form than saturday.
Vernal Fall Trail
We wanted to do one walking trail first as we were both feeling fresh and well fed. Vivek gave me a choice - "vernal fall or lake of mist?? " I chose vernal fall . So we both took the bus to the head of the trail and started off. With my little experience of the previous day I carried sweater, shawl, scarf, rain wear, some food and water. But now when I think of what a foolish thing it was to carry food , my heart freezes. The bears can attack u for the smell of food and the places we were going to walk was absolutely vergin forest. Anyway the fact that I am writing all this is proof that nothing happened to us.
Part I walk to the bridge at the base of Vernal fall
Well this trail has 2 parts - around 1.5 to 2 miles to a small bridge and then another 1.5 miles to the top of Vernal fall. It is Venral fall which is the source of the Marced river. We set off on this trail- it was like climbing Himalayas for me - steep uphill. There were huge rock boulders on one side, the Marced river rapids deep deep down scaring u on the other side. The entire area is surrounded by granite rocky mountains which were smooth and shining in the sun. The faces of these rocks were absolutely vertical. The scene is pictureque and scary.
I saw many families with small kids had also ventured on this trek as also many elderly people (American I presumed) . We walked for about an hour and half to reach the first base point. Here the magnificent Vernal fall is visible - looks like a rectangular solid block of water silently falling at a distance. The deafening sound is that of the water of the river hitting the rocks and causing swirling rapids.
We lingered on the bridge and the surrounding woods. Should we go up the next trek to the top of the Vernal falls - that was another 1.5 to 2 km up - The path here was more narrow, more dangerous, more steep. But I wanted to do it. Vivek tried to stop me as my knee was in no healthy condition. I was already suffereing from a painful knee problem(Arthritis?? )
Trek to Vernal Fall Part II
But it was too tempting not to try. So we both set off again on this more difficult trek. Slowly I realised every step was an effort. Poor Vivek - he held my hand so tightly for fear of my falling - he often said "If u fall u will pull me also with u" The path was very narrow with the furious river forcing its way deep down in the vally. The sound of the water fall slowly turned deafening.
It is an experience of lifetime. In retrospect I repent not having gone right up to the top atleast for Vivek's sake. Given my knee condition, Would I be able to ever try again?
Actually after Vernal fall the trek continues more uphill to Nevada fall and further to some more points. People do make it and enjoy. You have to be adventurous and fit to try out these treks which can take upto 7 days.
Coming down vernal fall trek - more difficult than going up
Regretting my knee issue , we started to come down. I was absolutely horrified that coming down was the more difficult part not going up. Every step for me became a tremendous effort. My left knee started hurting so much that I had to hop and struggle. Poor vivek - he has loads of patience and was so helpful though constantly telling me "That was a wrong decision ma" .
Cushioned Earth
Anyway with some divine rest on the way ( did u know that sleeping on the bare ground in a jungle can be really comfortable - the ground felt like a nice cool cushioned mattress soft and plush - layers and layers of fallen and softened leaves and the wet earth and the soft soil do that-the towering trees above with the twittering of birds, the fresh green leaves above , a nice fresh herbal fragrance - all made an unforgettable bedroom.
I somehow managed to reach the road. It was almost 4 O'clock by now and we wanted to leave Yosemite by 5:30. We drove around a bit and I told Viek "Let us see Bridalveil fall once again.. " So we drove there. I could hardly walk. This was our second vist to Bridalveil fall .
My Daffodils - Rainbows across Bridalveil Fall in the glittering sun
Covering myself in a waterproof jacket we went to see this magnificent fall. Today the water was even more forceful ( as it was a very hot day and lot of snow was melting... ) , there were even bigger clouds of the water spray ( veil ) , there was bright sun, there were two absolutely magnificent huge rainbows stretching right across the land and the water fall -I tell u the beauty we experienced cannot be described in words - I will always cherish this feeling of pure joy in our hearts. I was reminded of Wordsworth's daffodils - Bridalveil fall rainbow will be my daffodil .
Our camera battery had got used up and we could not capture this in many photos
5:30 we left Yosemite bidding "Good buy " to those jetting granite peaks of Half dome, El Capitan - their polished granite faces glittering in the sun, the waterfalls that cascade serene and silent at a distance, the tall tall pine, oak and sequoia trees that seem to say "Come again" .
My heart was so full - I felt a sense of gratitude to my son Vivek who so cheerfully takes me to see places, to the great Americans who preserve and cherish nature and make these visits so comfortable and interesting for its people and most of all to mother nature who gifts us so much of beauty.
Standing at Yosemite Waterfall Ahwahnee Hotel
We then went to Ahwahnee Hotel which is a luxury 6 storied hotel considered a historic structure inaugurated in 1927. We ate some lovely frozen vegetables with some thing like chapati, I just loved that.
Historic Ahwahnee Hotel
vivek also took me to another hotel and some shopping area where I picked up just one sticker magnet as a sovenior. One does not need sovenior when memories are such treasures.End of the day
We drove thro' the mountain peaks Half dome and El Capitan which shone in the setting sun. We parked our car to check out climbers . We could spot one or two. Happy with that we left for Mariposa which is about 45 min. drive for our night halt.
Half dome in sunset
We used the GPS for this drive. This route is very treacherous with steep downhill winding curves. I kept looking at the GPS and telling vivek left, right repeatedly for turns ahead. It was pitch dark. The turns were not merely turns they always were winding up/down . Quite a scary drive this. At one place near a bridge we were made to wait to clear the traffic from the opposite direction. The sign board said " Can take upto 15 min" I was wondering "Is there a railway track here? " I was thinking of the railway level crossing in India. But even there 15min. is a long time. But we did not wait that long anyway.We reached Mariposa by 10 p.m. and checked into a very comfortable Mariposa lodge and went to sleep like logs . My head was full of peaks, granite vertical faces of the mountains, deafening sound of water.
Mariposa Lodge
Sunday April 19th 2009Sunday dawned even more bright and sunny than saturday and we left Mariposa by 9 a.m. I was very eager to see the route as the night we had not seen at all where we were driving.
Most scenic Drive from Mariposa to Yosemite
I was in for such a delightful surprise. Mariposa to Yosemite drive is one of the most ( for me the most) scenic drives. The Marced river river flows right thro on one side and there are green hills on the other. The river was so beautiful in the bright sunny morning. At some places there were very dangerous rapids where the river flows with terrible force over rocks . Now we were climbing up to Yosemite.

Marced river flows along the entire route from Mariposa to Yosemite
We stopped at a very pictureque hotel called Cedar Lodge where we had a sumptuous breakfast of pancakes with Maple syrup ( vivek) and bagel with cream cheese and some fried potato dish with loads of sauce (myself) . We filled our selves for the day .
I was eager to see the bridge that we had stopped by last night. Now during day time it became clear to us that there had been a landslide , the road was actually cut off, this bridge is a temporay one that joined the two ends of the road on either side of the landslide. Imagine being able to get such a bridge up and functional and handling such huge vehicular traffic. Americans are really great at crisis management. Being temporary it could not take the 2 way traffic and hence the wait. I admired all this efficiency and saw the landslide
Hotter day means more snow melts and causes more dangerous rapids in the river. Sunday was warmer than Saturday which meant more ice had melted and the water falls and the river both were in more furiuos form than saturday.
Vernal Fall Trail
We wanted to do one walking trail first as we were both feeling fresh and well fed. Vivek gave me a choice - "vernal fall or lake of mist?? " I chose vernal fall . So we both took the bus to the head of the trail and started off. With my little experience of the previous day I carried sweater, shawl, scarf, rain wear, some food and water. But now when I think of what a foolish thing it was to carry food , my heart freezes. The bears can attack u for the smell of food and the places we were going to walk was absolutely vergin forest. Anyway the fact that I am writing all this is proof that nothing happened to us.
Part I walk to the bridge at the base of Vernal fall
Well this trail has 2 parts - around 1.5 to 2 miles to a small bridge and then another 1.5 miles to the top of Vernal fall. It is Venral fall which is the source of the Marced river. We set off on this trail- it was like climbing Himalayas for me - steep uphill. There were huge rock boulders on one side, the Marced river rapids deep deep down scaring u on the other side. The entire area is surrounded by granite rocky mountains which were smooth and shining in the sun. The faces of these rocks were absolutely vertical. The scene is pictureque and scary.
I saw many families with small kids had also ventured on this trek as also many elderly people (American I presumed) . We walked for about an hour and half to reach the first base point. Here the magnificent Vernal fall is visible - looks like a rectangular solid block of water silently falling at a distance. The deafening sound is that of the water of the river hitting the rocks and causing swirling rapids.
We lingered on the bridge and the surrounding woods. Should we go up the next trek to the top of the Vernal falls - that was another 1.5 to 2 km up - The path here was more narrow, more dangerous, more steep. But I wanted to do it. Vivek tried to stop me as my knee was in no healthy condition. I was already suffereing from a painful knee problem(Arthritis?? )
Trek to Vernal Fall Part II
But it was too tempting not to try. So we both set off again on this more difficult trek. Slowly I realised every step was an effort. Poor Vivek - he held my hand so tightly for fear of my falling - he often said "If u fall u will pull me also with u" The path was very narrow with the furious river forcing its way deep down in the vally. The sound of the water fall slowly turned deafening.
Vernal Fall Trek - steep uphill
The trek was now like steps of rocks just big enough to hold one or two persons. At some places it was wet and slippery. Vivek kept on saying "Come let us go back " Actually without me poor fellow would have enjoyed the trek - he could climb so easily . It is my problem knee that was the cause of concern for him. He was worried that I will slip and fall anytime.Climbing up Rocky steps
When we were almost there like another 20 to 30 steps would have taken us to the top, I could walk no more and we decided to return. The Vernal water fall here is so huge and come down with such noise and force that i felt a fear in my heart. I could not even look up at the water. Vivek said there is a rainbow look - but I was so scared. The huge size and massive height of the fall , the depth of the valley , the devish force of the water hitting the rocks down, the deafening noise, the force of the spray of ice cold water.. .It is an experience of lifetime. In retrospect I repent not having gone right up to the top atleast for Vivek's sake. Given my knee condition, Would I be able to ever try again?
Actually after Vernal fall the trek continues more uphill to Nevada fall and further to some more points. People do make it and enjoy. You have to be adventurous and fit to try out these treks which can take upto 7 days.
Coming down vernal fall trek - more difficult than going up
Regretting my knee issue , we started to come down. I was absolutely horrified that coming down was the more difficult part not going up. Every step for me became a tremendous effort. My left knee started hurting so much that I had to hop and struggle. Poor vivek - he has loads of patience and was so helpful though constantly telling me "That was a wrong decision ma" .
Cushioned Earth
Anyway with some divine rest on the way ( did u know that sleeping on the bare ground in a jungle can be really comfortable - the ground felt like a nice cool cushioned mattress soft and plush - layers and layers of fallen and softened leaves and the wet earth and the soft soil do that-the towering trees above with the twittering of birds, the fresh green leaves above , a nice fresh herbal fragrance - all made an unforgettable bedroom.
I somehow managed to reach the road. It was almost 4 O'clock by now and we wanted to leave Yosemite by 5:30. We drove around a bit and I told Viek "Let us see Bridalveil fall once again.. " So we drove there. I could hardly walk. This was our second vist to Bridalveil fall .
My Daffodils - Rainbows across Bridalveil Fall in the glittering sun
Covering myself in a waterproof jacket we went to see this magnificent fall. Today the water was even more forceful ( as it was a very hot day and lot of snow was melting... ) , there were even bigger clouds of the water spray ( veil ) , there was bright sun, there were two absolutely magnificent huge rainbows stretching right across the land and the water fall -I tell u the beauty we experienced cannot be described in words - I will always cherish this feeling of pure joy in our hearts. I was reminded of Wordsworth's daffodils - Bridalveil fall rainbow will be my daffodil .
Our camera battery had got used up and we could not capture this in many photos
5:30 we left Yosemite bidding "Good buy " to those jetting granite peaks of Half dome, El Capitan - their polished granite faces glittering in the sun, the waterfalls that cascade serene and silent at a distance, the tall tall pine, oak and sequoia trees that seem to say "Come again" .
My heart was so full - I felt a sense of gratitude to my son Vivek who so cheerfully takes me to see places, to the great Americans who preserve and cherish nature and make these visits so comfortable and interesting for its people and most of all to mother nature who gifts us so much of beauty.
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