The author writes about what she feels about life. Does not wish to preach to anybody- just sharing her thoughts and feelings with fellow humans.
- You have grown when with every experience you undergo, you have learnt something valuable.
- Growth is not all about years rolling by. It is not about getting old.
- It is all about coming to terms with yourself and the world and people around you.
- It is all about ‘ACCEPTANCE’ of yourself and the others who cross your path.
- Growth is internal - within you.
- It is not about how wealthy you have become – it has nothing to do with that.
- It is when you start looking forward to each and every second eagerly like a child of your life ahead, life happening, with love and acceptance – you are growing up.
“Often I see faces around me – not happy, not contended, stressed with day-to-day life, miserable within, complex faces hiding scheming thoughts for others to gain more power, money. I see life always doling out justice in the end- What use is such a life? Leaving so much property for others but leading a horror filled worry filled gilt ridden life? “
You are free when you realize how small you are in comparison to the universe- you are a nothing , a nobody in this ongoing evolution of planet EARTH – Then you realize your true self in the larger scheme of nature.
- You have never grown up. You are constantly growing up.
- True growth requires that attribute of openness. Openness to constant learning in life from every experience – sad, happy.
Keep growing. Smile. Life is here and now.
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