Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gift of Each New Day

          Snow Covered Landscape

Fall Colors in Palo Alto

Each day dawns. When I open my eyes, the first thought that comes to my mind is one of gratitude. "Thank you God,  for this wonderful gift of a day"

When I was in Minneapolis - my eyes open to vast expanse of white snow laden landscape, the children's park in front covered with ice, the men wearing green fluorescent jackets driving the red small van to clear the snow which burst forth on either side reminding of that black engine driving thro the snow laden tracks in the Russian film "Anna Kerenina" , a lonely fat squirrel scampers here and there in search of food at -20 deg C, leafless trees look stark and beautiful like pencil sketches by an expert artist (God himeslf I guess) - and this is the gift I open this day.

Today I am in Palo Alto with gorgeous christmas lights in sprawling houses and lush greenery, the morning gift makes me wish for all these things

"Fill my thoughts with positive sweet feelings of joy"

  • May my ears listen to the sweet music, the childish innocent talks with a ready "Why" to any statement of my little grand daughter Vedu with pure delight
  • May my nose smell the sweet fragrances of day-to-day living
  • May my mouth only utter words of love, encouragement, empowerments to all beings that come in contact
  • May I live with positivity this precious day which you have gifted me so generously , so tirelessly

Thank you God for this gift which each day you place beside my bed before my eyes open.