It has dawned on me that I need to clear the inner traffic within my body for healthy living - two are of physical nature and one is of mental type - all advice, suggestions are meant for to I-Me-Myself
1) Clean and clear digestive system : Our body has excellent system in the form of our digestive track where the food we eat is digested and assimilated into the blood and waste products thrown out of the body. We need to constantly ensure that we don't jam this very delicate and perfect route by eating healthy fibrous food that help to clear out the accumulated waste if any in th epath. If we let the waste accumulate, then that creates poisonous toxins . Unhealthy junk food produces harmful gases that then circulate in the blood and make one feel low on energy. Natural uncooked foods like fruits and vegetables are gentle and cleanse the internal path well. When one does not take care of what one eats, lot of harm can be done to this traffic area which can even lead to cancer, ulcers etc. Unless we eat healthy food, we cannot hope our blood to absorb and carry right type of nutrition to the right organs in the body.
The understanding and practice of eating right type of healthy food and proper bowel movements ensures this route remains free of unwanted clutter.
2) Smooth blood vessels that allow free flow of blood through out the body.
The tiny heart all of one's fist size beats around 70 to 80 times per minute from birth till death forcing blood to flow to the entire network of blood vessels surrounding each and every organ including the tiniest capillaries. The organs selectively take whatever nutrition they require for proper functioning and send back the impure blood back to the heart for purification. This miracle traffic system is the very life force. Once the heart stops working, the person is declared dead.
Now it only makes sense to keep this route smooth so that the blood can flow freely. The inner lining of the blood vessels thicken with age and fat deposits and sometimes get blocked with clots too. So it only makes sense to take maximum care of this traffic system and keep it jam-free. High BP, stroke, heart attack are all horrible conditions that we can try to prevent. All it takes is healthy light eating and maintaining body weight and a good brisk 30 minutes walk twice a day . The obese body with lot of fat deposits extracts immense hard work from the tiny smooth pump - the human heart which then gives way.
3) Keeping the brain and the thought process jam-free
The brain is the seat of main control for all that is happening to us. It is extremely busy the whole day thinking and thinking and controlling all the nerves and all the muscles. We as humans are gifted by the thought process. We need to keep this heavy traffic system very very carefully choke-free else all the functions get effected as this is the control centre. Most of the physical aspect of the body is automatically taken care of by the brain . But chaotic thoughts can choke the very life out of a person. We need to establish 2 clear and well organised thought paths - one for getting and one for giving. All the human beings live as one large team, mutually giving and taking constantly from each other and that is how life for humans goes on. We need to be thinking only for these 2 clear paths - thinking good for ourselves to receive and thinking generously while giving.
Receiving is thro' jobs , services that others render to us, and in 1000+ ways . Receiving is in many forms not only money. Giving again is in 1000+ ways.
So we need to clear all the accumulated junk thoughts of past pains, resentments, hatred, excessive greed , worry for future then only good healthy thoughts will flow freely for our benefit. The less we think, the more clear life becomes. If our thought can be like a tranquil water of a lake then we can see the bed of the lake beautifully as our life.
The few thoughts that flow so freely bring peace, elegance to our life and to those lives that we touch.
We as humans are gifted that we can control all these to some extent.
The human body is the most perfect wonder machine . The entire mankind mutually co-exist collectively. It is so simple and yet so beautiful.