Monday, May 5, 2014

GovtSome and GovtLess state of being - A bird's eye view

I wrote a blog sometime back on Gurusome and Guruless state how I moved from one to the other.

Of Late I am thinking "Do We really need a govt?? How does govt. effect my life " and such types of questions.

Of late, during election time, I watch on TV the various parties with their star leaders campaigning for their parties and generally maligning each other - saying one horrible thing after another against each other, sometimes their faces contorted with emotions, rage, outrage, anger, hatred etc..

I am thinking "Are these the leaders who will lead my country and How?? "

While this is going on, the common man and women in the vary same channels are speaking truths saying a 1000 things - like how they have no water, no toilets, no electricity, their total ignorance about the contestants ( like WHO?? ) , lots of wise discussions too, some poems even as how the MP whom they have elected NEVER visited them even once after elections  - the Common Indian seems quite wise to the politician's tricks to win votes.

I am finding that Indians are waking up to some enlightenment and the election results may not be predictable if the thinking common Indian man exercises his choice wisely

So I am thinking What do I want?? How the election and its aftermath effects my life?? My bird's eye views are here

1) In the last 20 years or so, in my life, which ever govt. came to power, there has been a very steady growth and development happening all around me and I am the beneficiary of all those developments - like roads, electricity, water supply, communication, IT, food supplies, peaceful , riot free and war free comfortable living . People are very tolerating of each other, which ever community - it really never mattered to the common man. Public Systems are continually improving for better.  I am actually witnessing the Indian Growth.

2) Continuous Personal development is more crucial in life than external changes and that has nothing to do with Govt, politicians, policies and material acquisitions  - this has truly enriched my life in every way.

3)  Now I am thinking politicians are not required at all to run my country efficiently - just have robust systems in place that can get rid of middleman and human interventions and corrupt fellows, excellent top class administration setups, a group of extremely committed professionals for policy making, may be a referendum once in 6 months for major policies effecting people , and so on - Politicians, political parties, elections and govt cause so much of cost and corruption. We the people of India and in fact mankind itself want our day-to-day life to go on smoothly. In India there is massive corruption in every walk of life and few people walk away with all the wealth of everyone else. May be if we do not have any mechanism for corruption, we will all be richer!!!.

Well That is some kind of GovtLess state!!