Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I was reading some of my old blogs and reliving so many moments when I had penned them. Admiring my own writing style, I wonder why I made only one blog entry in 2013, and none so far in 2014.

Well, lots and lots of transformations have been happening in life - mine and people connected with me . The world is changing so fast , moving forward at a tremendous pace. So many things are happening all around me.  

The one beautiful rainbow of my life is my grand daughter Vedu - her growth graph is a straight line with its arrow upwards. I am simply amazed how fast she is developing, she speaks clearly, and keeps u interested in whatever she is saying/doing. She attracts people and love by default. She is a bundle of joy. She is all of 2 years and proclaims "I am a Happy toddler"

Lots and lots of self analysis and self awareness. Too much of thinking - my sons tell. Enlightenment is yet to strike me and am waiting for that to happen anytime anywhere !!!.

Been writing diary regularly though - Shall blog some of the entries like the one below.
Y'day in my diary I wrote the following:-

Some No's and Yes's here
No to 

  • Giving Advice
  • Giving Suggestion
  • Giving Judgement
  • Putting down Self
  • Praising Self 
  • Giving away Data/Information
  • Re-living pain of Past
  • Fear of Future
  • Sitting Duck Syndrome
  • Dependence of any form

Yes to

  • Lots of Smile
  • Lots of Love Give/Take
  • Giving Encouragement
  • Silence - Mental and Physical
  • Positive Energy
  • Courage
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Freedom
  • Inclusive Growth
  • Move
  • Independence

All addressed to "I Me Myself"