Friday, April 5, 2013

Guru-some and Guru-less States

3 Days Old Vedu 

1 year old and eating little tasty sand 

Gurusome state (like wholesome) 

Yes - I go thro these phases - Following one Guru and believing in his principles and guidance Then following many gurus and their guidance. Like so many impressed me with their views on life . Art of living Teacher Shri Shri Ravishankar, addressed as Gurudev - his philosophies of having fun in life , enjoying life, meditation, Yoga, Sudarshana Kriya - I am an avid follower of his Pranayam Techniques. RamDev Baba and his various Yoga techniques ( best viewed in mute ) Kapalbati which I do regularly , Mother Theresa for her selfless dedicated service to humanity, Amrithanadamayi Amma for her tremendous popularity , her famous embraces - She visits her ashram in Nigdi and I love to go there and experience the high energy level when Amma visits, My loving simple dad who taught me the value of love and acceptance and non-expecting state in a relationship, his ever giving nature, Echart Tolle and his book "Power of now" - I was so influenced by him - his technique of non-thinking state, experience the silence of the universe - I practiced that and feel so blessed when I experience that universal silence and space, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev and his fearless expressions of his practical views, my little grand daughter all of 1 year old taught me the value of living for the present - she has no thoughts of past and future. She simply expressed what she felt at all times and she was so so pure in that state - I wanted to be like her - 100%  pure joy of living., Louise Hey with her "You too can heal" book - Oh that book helped a lot - I felt whatever she was saying was so apt for me. Robert Holden and his happiness project left a deep impression ... And what about Anu Aga my role model , who heads Thermax - I pasted her face on top of my body in a photograph so I can be like her!! And Gutama Buddha with his eight fold path. many many gurus...And Anitha Moorjani And...

Oh So many such wonderful human beings have influenced and shaped my thinking  over so many years - I learnt everyday something from someone. This was my Gurusome state !!

Guruless State

And one day I realized I really don't need a Guru - like I am the guru and the follower all rolled into one. Enlightenment ? That is the Guruless state of being !! What I realized is we as human beings did not really need a so called Guru and we should be able to figure out what to do with our life by our own intelligence, experience and some common sense. This thought arose when I observed the obsession the followers of Gurus were developing and kind of lost their individuality. I am also thinking - the Guru is after all a human being like you and me so we are all on a level playing field !! Often blind faith leads mankind to a cult-following and may have disastrous repercussions too.

So with all humility and reverence to all my past , present and future gurus, I am right now in a Guruless State of existence. All and None type.

I may be even oscillating between the two states !! Like a pendulum!! 

All in Fun of course.