Sunnyvale - 11th Aug 2011
Historic Murphy Street - Sunnyvale, CA
Sylvan Park, Sunnyvale, CA
Roses on the roadside, Sunnyvale
July 11, 2011
I land in US for the third time in Sunnyvale, CA. The transition from a wonder struck Indian loving and appreciating everything American to a more critically aware and analyzing Indian. But always Indian at heart. loving my country most.
March to May 2007:
My First visit to Champaign, Illinois is still fresh in memory. March 2007 - India underdeveloped , developing nation. few malls. narrow roads, poor nation. Stayed in Champaign in UIUC campus. I am in awe of Walmart - its giant size, I fell in love with the amazing nature that is nurtured everywhere - the trees, the green grass. The weather went from end winter in March - to beautiful colorful spring- to beginning of summer. The transition form leafless trees in March - to trees totally covered in colorful fragrant blossoms - to lush greening of trees - end May. Fell in love with Champaign - the small Americal town, downtown Chicago - the breathtaking architectural beauty of skyscrappers , the drawbridge, the vast lake Michigan. Avid photographer that I am - the beauty of America simply fascinated me - 1500+ photos. Beautiful clean broad roads, cars of all makes and sizes , road descipline, long walks on tree lined sidewalks of self discovery. Simply loved it all. Vivek stayed in a studio apartment barely enough for two. Vidya stayed with us for some days and then moved to california. When I returned back to India, people around me got bored hearing me praise America at the drop of a hat. Everytime I compared problems in India to how they did not exist in USA.

Orchids bloom in Downtown Chicago - May 2007
Draw Bridge on Chicago river
UIUC Quad greens in Summer
Frozen Lake of Woods - Champaign
Fremont CA - March 2009 to July 2009
My second visit was to Fremont in March 2009- Vivek married to Vidya, a 2 bed room rented apartment in a gated community - comfortable - pretty landscape everywhere. India progressing nation - more malls in the neighbourhood, the Mumbai-Pune express highway was born and changed the way we travelled in the Ghats section earlier winding thro dangerous narrow roads choc-a-block with traffic - this was just a plain stretch of excellent roads, high speed travel - life was transformed in a certain positive way - My second son Hari too was married, life was looking up for me. I enjoyed walking and discovering the beauty of a residential area, nice houses with lovely lovely rose gardens, trees laden with oranges, a slightly chilly pleasant sunny weather . The huge roses on the roadside always brought a smile, the camera was out, and a sense of joy. Travelled a lot with Vivek, visited Yosemite, LA, Sequioa National park and King's Canyan, Bigsur, Monterey - all stunningly beautiful places. April is fabulous as the snow from winter melts and the water falls are in full force and river are full of rapids. The trees are covered in spring blossoms. Fell in love with San Fransisco and simply loved it each time we visited it Another 1500+ photos added to my portfolio.
But I as a person was changing - more mature, more aware, more experienced in life's ways. India was making good progress too. I was a mother-in-law now and the role was different. Realized what is meant by "Two is company but Three is a crowd".
Sunnyvale - July 2011
This time the picture is totally a transformed one. So many historical changes. First and foremost America was hit by financial disaster - many banking businesses declared bankruptcy, laid off workforce, joblessness hit America, the first black President - Barrack Obama was elected . Politically the whole world was undergoing changes. Countries ruled by kings and families were waking up to freedom of the individual and fighting for their rights. Everything in every country seemed to be "Made in China"
Second my own country India ( along with China) was now recognized as an emerging super power with its resilient dynamic young work force, surviving the world economic downturn very competitively. Fantastic infrastructural developments were happening everywhere. Nigdi Pradhikaran where I live for the last 20 years now had beautiful broad clean roads, several flyovers were getting built to facillitate fast traffic movement, large luxury cars were a common sight. There was hope in the air. Anyone with some skill was doing well. The IT and ITES industry employed youth and brought prosperity to large number of families. Big business houses like Tata, Birla, Reliance had set up large Malls everywhere - so Walmart visit in USA lost its novelty. Everything was now available in India - one need not bring from USA or elsewhere. Now India is gearing up with Metro railways in many cities. A sense of optimism prevails in my country. Life is Good in India.
Personally my life has undergone total transformation. For one I was now 60+ years old. For nearly 2 years I all went thro severe stress due to some family problems. I now lived alone and that requires courage and brought tremendous inner growth. I enjoy my independent single status. I was getting good work opportunities as a corporate trainer in Oracle. I traveled on work outside Pune, stayed in hotels and enjoyed my work. Life seemed to have come a full circle.
So when I stepped into the USA for the third time things felt different. Vivek and Vidya have their own place - a comfortable home. They are expecting their first child. Many of their friends too. So right now we attend baby showers on week ends, I am a senior citizen (!!!) - or elders- sit in groups of parents visiting children in USA.
There are so many great things about American way of living. What never fails to amaze me is how America maintains and nurtures nature everywhere. It is trees, trees and more trees lining each and every road and grass and more grass everywhere we go. The cleanliness is something India must emulate. The American one encounters is always warm and caring with an easy smile. Discipline is a natural trait. Everything seems to work in perfection. But the huge use of power, fuel , the gigantic plastic garbage makes me worry for mankind.
I seem to be cured of my USA obsession of my first visit. May be I will not boast about USA so much when I go back !!
As always I look forward to putting my foot back into my country.