Goutama Bhuddha suffered many many years ( his biography by Deepak Chopra is absolutely revetting reading. Just loved his way of dramatizing and visualizing such a by-gone era.. ) and went into deep deep self journey and came out with the 4 truths and eight fold path to liberate mankind from its suffering.
Well, I have zeroed in on my own philosophy as a result of endless hours of timepass.
1. Choices we make
Our life is driven by our choices - Every little and big act and turns and twists of our life is the choice we make at each and every moment. We choose to suffer, we choose to enjoy, we choose to feel happy or sad. Our resentment, our loves are our choices - we choose to love someone and choose to hate someone. We choose to react in particular way.
2. Our thought process
All these choices are driven by our thought processes. Every one is justified in his own eyes of all the actions he does because that is the way he thinks. Many times we later realize the folly of our action , we regret that we acted in a particular way or we made a wrong choice. Given a second chance in life, we may repeat the same life - We cannot help that we are this way. When we accepted this of ourselves and all others who cross our path in life, we will be truly liberated.
3. Random happenings
Life is a series of random happenings - there is no such thing as destiny. Many things just happen - there is no reason, no cause . No point in trying to explain why, how, what etc.. Just accept that and move on.
Ha Ha Vats You chose to write this. and you thought of it and it just happened randomly.
Am I Bhuddini?? A new philosophy for mankind??