I have been thinking how when there is love, any happening small or big seems to take a warm glow of color.
Love need not be only that between a man and a woman - Of course that is the most fulfilling intimate relationship of all human relations - if the two could see to eye and be generous towards each other . Otherwise life takes various hues of Grey and black.
There are so many forms of love Mother-Son, mother-daughter, brother-sister, between brothers, between sisters, b/w friends. Whenever love comes across, that event, moment seems to be etched, captured brilliantly in our memory banks.
Many times we attend weddings. But when it is the wedding of someone we love, how the whole affair is like being in heaven.
Same goes for parties. I have attended several parties, some of which have left a lasting impact. But the parties of Vivek, Hari's birthdays in childhood, the new year parties at home, so many tiny happenings, they seem to be bathed in golden hue - that is the color love added.
Whenever Hari's friend Guri comes home, she brings a warm glow all around. - the color of love. Another person is our dearest Abita Krishna's little daughter- always evokes loving feelings towards her. Myriad colors painted all around by her unconditional pure love for herself and others.
My outings with Shilpa in Champaign in USA are always clearly etched in memory for the colors of love. Every scene is so sharp and colorful in memory.
A mothers love for her children and vice versa cannot be measured. But the color they add to each others lives when they feel that warmth and express them - Oh life takes the colors of rainbow.
A little child in the family - a bundle of sheer joy - the whole house held in a glow with love towards that tiny tot.
My visit to USA - all colors captures brilliantly in the camera of my mind. It is the mutual love between Vivek my son and myself that made each and every second of my stay so colorful.
Furnitures and fixtures don't make a home. It is the love which the members have for each other that brings that extra warm glow to a home.
Whenever Hari's friends come home, or all our relatives , we extend that warmth of love. It is my innate nature to express happiness and love to others. Love truly paints life's moments with brilliant colors.
In shark contrast to this glow, visit homes where there is lack of trust between members, lack of respect, care, warmth. You are enveloped in dull Grey, colors that put you off. Your mind simply erases this picture as soon as possible.
People have an aura around them- those who extend and actually feel that love and warmth towards all human/living beings. Here I am reminded of Mother Theresa, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Amma Amruthanandamayi, Guruma , Ramdev Baba , my dad , my brother-in-law Ramurthy - all them had/have this aura.
"Oh the Power of Love!!
The Colors of Love"
The Colors of Love"